Ajouter une meta description à une seule route générée par un module Drupal.
If you are creating a route with a Drupal module, you may need to add a meta description to this page. You can use the hook_page_attachments()
drupal web developer
Drupal is a powerful and easily editable content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage content on one or more websites. It is open source and used by millions of people and organizations. It benefits from a very large community of developers and users. Discover on this blog articles on Drupal modules, tips and code to optimize and add features to Drupal.
If you are creating a route with a Drupal module, you may need to add a meta description to this page. You can use the hook_page_attachments()
You may sometimes need to display a popin to announce an event, important information for users or offer a registration form as soon as a web page opens.
The paragraph module improves content management on Drupal. By default, the display of paragraphs can cause ergonomic problems (very long editing page, no overview of paragraphs, difficulty in ordering, etc.). Here is a solution to improve the presentation of paragraphs.
The Multiple Registration module allows the use of different registration forms depending on the roles.
You may have a content type that should never be displayed on its own page, such as an image content type displayed in a carousel. Rabbit Hole can prevent this node from being accessible on its own page, via node/xxx.
We may need to create permissions that do not exist natively on Drupal or that are not precise enough. For example, Drupal will offer a permission that includes several features when we want to offer only one. The custom permissions module allows you to precisely manage permissions.
Drupal has a native CRON system but it does not allow you to manage CRON tasks individually or by group. The Ultimate Cron module allows running a CRON job or group of jobs at different times.
Find out how to hook a form from the paragraph module in the BO or on the front to add classes, a placeholder, etc. The method is identical to the hooks for Form API forms but the hook is specific to this module.
We may need to assign a role automatically to users who register on a Drupal site. This avoids having to do it in the admin if the account needs to be validated and it allows users to have the right role if the account is activated automatically.
Better Exposed Filters replaces filters exposed to users in Views.